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Beirut and Mount Lebanon's Drug Lord, 'Nice Guy,' in Custody

The Judicial Police detained on Tuesday Beirut and Mount Lebanon's “biggest” drug dealer, who has over 50 arrest warrants against him.

"The Central Anti-Drug Bureau and the Anti-Drug Bureau in the South were able to arrest A. N., 31, in the Faraya region (in Mount Lebanon),” the Internal Security Forces said in a communique.

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Gemayel: We May Need an Alternative Candidate, Resistance's Achievements Cannot be Ignored

Kataeb Party leader Amin Gemayel revealed on Tuesday that the March 14 alliance might reach a stage in which it will start “considering alternatives in the presidential race.”

"There is an ongoing electoral game, but we will reach a point when we will have to consider alternatives for presidency,” Gemayel said in an interview with al-Manar television.

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Riots as ISF Commandos Successfully Escort Gang Out of Roumieh Prison

Riots erupted at Roumieh Prison on Tuesday and inmates set belongings on fire as the Internal Security Forces managed to successfully escort a 3-member gang out of the facility.

"The ISF is now in control of the juvenile ward in Roumieh and has referred the mutineering inmates to investigation," Future TV quoted security sources as saying.

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Hariri Meets Bassil in Paris Ahead of 2nd Round of Presidential Elections

A meeting was held on Tuesday in Paris between former Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil on the eve of the second round of the presidential elections.

The meeting comes as the French capital is witnessing a flurry of political activity as the Free Patriotic Movement is awaiting the support of al-Mustaqbal movement for FPM leader MP Michel Aoun's presidential bid.

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FPM MPs to Miss Wednesday's 'Folkloric' Parliamentary Session

The Change and Reform bloc on Tuesday hinted that the Free Patriotic Movement MPs will not attend the parliamentary session dedicated for electing a new president on Wednesday.

"We do not believe in vacuum (in the presidency), and it is not in our considerations,” MP Ibrahim Kanaan said after the bloc's weekly meeting.

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Makari, Abou Faour Trade Jabs over Jumblat's Role in Presidential Elections

Deputy Speaker Farid Makari ruled out the possibility of an agreement between the Mustaqbal Movement and the Free Patriotic Movement over the election of FPM chief MP Michel Aoun as president, reported the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat on Tuesday.

He told the daily: “The only good thing to come out of such an agreement would be the elimination of Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat's role as a swing vote at parliament.”

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Three Killed in Akkar Individual Dispute

Three people were killed on Tuesday in an individual dispute in the town of Hrar in the northern region of Akkar.

"Three people died of their wounds in an individual dispute that erupted in Hrar,” the state-run National News Agency reported.

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Salam: Presidential Vacuum Unwanted Bitter Cup

Prime Minister Tammam Salam highlighted on Tuesday the need to hold the presidential elections on time stressing that a vacuum in that post is a hateful option.

“Talks that the Premiership will run the state's affairs in case of a presidential vacuum, is a bitter cup that we don't wish for,” stated Salam.

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Army Arrests Five People in Dahieh on Shooting Charges

The army announced on Tuesday the arrest of four Lebanese and a Syrian in Beirut's southern suburbs of Dahieh on different shooting charges.

It said that it arrested Ali Jamaleddine, Hassan Rafiq al-Meqdad, Abbas Nasseredine, and Maher Issam al-Ali for opening fire on various occasions and brandishing weapons in the face of citizens.

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ISF Seizes Drugs Stashed in Sweet Boxes, Arrests Smuggler

The Internal Security Forces have seized boxes of sweets containing drugs ready to be smuggled abroad, the ISF general command said Tuesday.

The communique said that judicial police raided on Monday a house in the area of Minieh in the North after receiving information about a drug smuggling operation.

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