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One Wounded in Local Dispute in Arsal

One person was wounded on Friday in a dispute that erupted in the northeastern border town of Arsal, reported the National News Agency.

It said that Ayman Mohammed al-Smaily was wounded in the clash that erupted over a construction dispute.

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Fneish: We Will Give Salam Time before Taking Stand on Suspension of Hizbullah MPs' Bank Accounts

State Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Mohammed Fneish stated that the party's stance is “clear” regarding U.S. sanctions against the group in wake of the suspension on Thursday of the bank accounts of two party MPs, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Friday.

The Hizbullah minister told the daily: “We will grant Prime Minister Tammam Salam time to consider this issue and we will make a stand when the time comes.”

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Salam Hosts Hariri, Miqati for Dinner ahead of Tripoli Municipal Polls

Head of the Mustaqbal Movement MP Saad Hariri and former Prime Minister Najib Miqati held a rare meeting on Thursday weeks before the municipal elections in the northern city of Tripoli and Akkar.

Prime Minister Tammam Salam hosted the two officials over dinner at his Msaytbeh residence in Beirut and a statement at the end of the meeting said that they stressed the need to “bolster unity among Lebanese factions without exception because Lebanon needs to fortify its internal front given the explosive regional situation.”

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Hizbullah Commander, STL Suspect Mustafa Badreddine Assassinated in Syria

Hizbullah announced on Friday the death of its prominent commander Mustafa Badreddine in an attack in the Syrian capital Damascus.

The party did not disclose the nature of the blast that killed Badreddine, speculating that it could have been on the ground or that it may have been an airstrike.

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Lebanese-Origin Michel Temer: From Brazilian Politics' Kingmaker to King

Michel Temer used to be known in Brazil as a behind-the-scenes operator, but that was before he pulled the trigger on a masterful bid to topple his boss, President Dilma Rousseff, and take her job.

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Hajj Hassan Tells Cabinet 'Red Line' Crossed as Banks Reportedly Suspend 2 Hizbullah MPs' Accounts

A Hizbullah minister warned during a cabinet session Thursday that a “red line” was crossed, after two Lebanese banks reportedly suspended three Hizbullah-linked accounts in conformity with a U.S. sanctions law.

“Two Lebanese banks have suspended the accounts of two Loyalty to Resistance bloc MPs and the account of the daughter of an ex-MP who was in the bloc,” MTV and LBCI reported.

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Nasrallah: We are not Obligated to any Side that the FPM Allies itself with in Municipal Polls

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah emphasized on Thursday the party's commitment towards its ally the Free Patriotic Movement in the municipal elections, saying that the victorious candidates will serve all who “voted for us and those who did not vote for us.”

He said during a Hizbullah ceremony marking the "resistance's wounded fighters": “We are not obligated towards any side that the Free Patriotic Movement chooses to ally itself with during the municipal polls.”

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Hariri Says Institutions 'Should No Longer be Taken Hostage' after Municipal Vote

Al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri stressed Thursday that state institutions “should no longer be taken hostage,” three days after authorities managed to organize largely peaceful municipal and mayoral elections last Sunday.

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Portolano Highlights UNIFIL Cooperation with Army in Talks with Berri, Qahwaji

The Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, Major General Luciano Portolano held talks on Thursday with Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri and the Army Commander, General Jean Qahwaji, said UNIFIL in a statement.

Portolano briefed the speaker on the situation along the Blue Line and UNIFIL’s engagement with the people of South Lebanon in efforts, together with Lebanese army, to maintain security and stability in the area within the framework of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701.

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Saqr Files Charges against Five People for IS Affiliation

Military Prosecutor Judge Saqr Saqr charged five people with belonging to the Islamic State terror group, the state-run National News Agency said on Thursday.

The suspects include a Lebanese and a Syrian who have been detained previously, NNA said.

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