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Presidential Elections Postponed to June 2

Parliament failed once again to elect a president following a lack of quorum at its session on Tuesday.

Speaker Nabih Berri postponed the polls to June 2.

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Security Forces Arrest Ziad Qasouf's Killer

Security forces arrested the murderer of Ziad Qasouf, who was killed in the eastern city of Zahle last month.

The Internal Security Forces identified the murderer as Y.M., a Lebanese national born in 1979.

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Cabinet Seeking to Avoid Contentious Issues in Next Session

The government is scheduled to hold a meeting later this week as it attempts to avoid tackling issues of dispute, reported al-Liwaa newspaper on Tuesday.

Minister of the Displaced Alice Shabtini told the daily that the “cabinet is avoiding including contentious issues on its agenda.”

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Report: FPM Mulling Expulsion of 20 Members for 'Rebelling against Movement Decisions'

A dispute erupted during the weekend's municipal elections between leading members of the Free Patriotic Movement, which was formerly led by MP Michel Aoun, reported the pan-Arab Asharq al-Awsat daily on Tuesday.

Informed sources told the daily that the FPM leadership is studying the possibility of expelling some 20 members, including leading official Ziad Abs, for “rebelling against movement decisions.”

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No Injuries as Hand Grenade Tossed in Ain el-Hilweh

Unknown assailants tossed overnight a hand grenade in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh in the southern city of Sidon, reported the National News Agency on Tuesday.

It said that no one was injured in the attack.

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Interior Ministry Says Not to Blame for Delay in Releasing Municipal Vote Results after Protest

The Interior Ministry announced Monday evening that it is not responsible for the delay in releasing the official results of Sunday's municipal polls as activists and supporters of the Beirut Madinati list staged a sit-in outside the ministry in Sanayeh to protest the lag.

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Hariri Says Parties Represented in Beirutis List Voted for Other Lists

Al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri on Monday accused some parties who nominated some candidates on the Mustaqbal-led Beirutis List of “voting for other lists” in the capital's municipal elections that were held Sunday.

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4 Donor Countries to Grant Lebanon $550M This Year

Four donor countries pledged Monday to provide Lebanon with $550 million in 2016 to help it cope with the refugee crisis.

“Following the Supporting Syria and the Region Conference held in London on 4th February, we – the co-host donors – met the Prime Minister (Tammam Salam) and (Social Affairs) Minister (Rashid) Derbas to reiterate our strong support for Lebanon’s economic stabilization and social development as set out in the Lebanese Government’s Statement of Intent,” UK Ambassador Hugo Shorter said in a statement on behalf of co-host donors.

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Al-Rahi Discusses Presidency, Syrian Refugees with Hollande

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi helds talks Monday in Paris with French President Francois Hollande and talks tackled the issues of Lebanon's presidential void and the Syrian refugee crisis.

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Initial Results of Municipal Polls Emerge, Civic Hopes Dashed

A grassroots campaign that aimed to take on Lebanon's paralyzed political system appeared to be heading for failure on Monday as entrenched parties declared victory in municipal elections in Beirut.

Authorities are expected to announce later today the official results for the elections held on Sunday in the capital and in two provinces in the Bekaa region.

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