Zoaiter Expects Cabinet to Approve Airport Security Funding

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Public Works Minister Ghazi Zoaiter expected the cabinet to approve on Tuesday the necessary funding to improve security at Rafik Hariri International Airport despite the insistence of Christian ministers to resolve the controversy on the State Security agency first.

Zoaiter told al-Mustaqbal daily that he agrees with Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq on the importance of resolving the security of the airport amid claims of misunderstanding between them.

The minister expected the cabinet to resolve the matter to boost the needed plan to build the airport fence and improve the luggage transport system.

But the Christian ministers have not given up on their demand to provide the necessary funding to State Security before resolving any other matter.

Minister Alain Hakim said ahead of the cabinet session that he will not approve the appropriation of funds to any security department before the dispute on State Security is resolved.

The Christian ministers are claiming that the agency is being intentionally marginalized for being led by a Catholic, Maj. Gen.George Qaraa, who has differences with his deputy Brig. Gen. Mohammed al-Tufaili, a Shiite.

The government failed last week to approve any decree on pressing issues as a result of the discord on the leadership of State Security and the lack of appropriations for the agency.



Comments 2
Thumb barrymore 12 April 2016, 08:32

Mr. Zoaiter, did you apologize to the two innocent employees that you falsely accused of forming a terror group and in doing so you ruined their lives and reputation?

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 12 April 2016, 12:48

he is a drug lord. No conscience