Jumblat Rushes to the Defense of Judicial Police

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Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat has accused an adviser to Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq of leading a campaign against Judicial Police.

Jumblat told As Safir daily published on Monday that the advisor, a retired Internal Security Forces Brig. Gen., has been launching an “organized campaign against Judicial Police led by Brig. Gen. Naji al-Masri.”

Al-Masri is from the Druze sect similar to Jumblat.

The Judicial Police is carrying out its security duties despite the campaign and despite being deprived of its needs, said Jumblat.

As part of the “siege” laid on the agency, only 20 new members out of 900 who have recently graduated were admitted to Judicial Police although it requires all the support it needs, he told the newspaper.

Among other signs of noose tightening, is the failure to refer the case of the sex trafficking network, which has been recently discovered, to the agency for investigation, he said, adding that legally the issue should fall under its jurisdiction.

An ISF officer has taken charge of the probe in violation of the norms, Jumblat added.

The PSP chief stressed that the campaign targeting the Judicial Police comes as part of a political battle to replace its current leader with an officer who is loyal to other political personalities.

As for the embezzlement scandal at the ISF, Jumblat said that several officers were arrested but were later released with a bond, raising question marks on who is shielding them.

He added that all those involved in the case should be held accountable.



Comments 6
Default-user-icon speakfreely (Guest) 18 April 2016, 09:01

Walid Beik is the only non corrupt politician in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon simon (Guest) 18 April 2016, 15:31

are you crazy

Thumb cedars2 18 April 2016, 09:39

When I see the most corrupt people speak out against corruption I know there is something very very wrong

Default-user-icon puppet (Guest) 18 April 2016, 09:59

I respect Mr. Junblatt, Mr. Berri and Mr. Nassrallah equally and urge them to fight corruption.

Thumb justice 18 April 2016, 10:24

why is this man still alive?

Thumb barrymore 19 April 2016, 08:07

When Berri, Junblatt, Aoun and Bassil talk about fighting corruption, you know something is not right in this country.