Lebanon Braces for Strikes by LU Teachers, SCC

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Lebanon is expected to witness this week massive demonstrations as the Lebanese University contract professors will kick off a three-day strike on Monday, while the Syndicate Coordination Committee is set to hold a protest on Wednesday, local newspapers reported.

LU contract teachers' three-day strike is set to protest the cabinet's failure to approve a draft law to make them full-time teachers.

The teachers will hold a meeting with Education Minister Hassan Diab on Monday afternoon to discuss the matter and to hold a sit-in on Tuesday at the Faculty of Sciences in Fanar.

However, the executive committee of the contract professors rejected these endeavors considering the three-day strike as “normal days” at the LU.

The contract teachers have previously staged several strikes to demand their full-time employment and to protest the state's failure to enroll them in the social security fund.

Meanwhile, the Syndicate Coordination Committee is also set to hold a strike on Wednesday to protest the cabinet's failure to refer the new wages scale for public employees to the parliament.

The SCC will hold a central demonstration and march from the UNESCO Square to the Grand Serail, at 11:00 a.m.

In September, the cabinet approved the new salaries scale for public employees ending a long dispute that had prompted the SCC, a coalition of private and public school teachers and public sector employees, to hold several sit-ins and strikes.

The wages increase will be retroactive from July 1, 2012, but the salary adjustments would be paid in installments over a period of five years.

However, the cabinet is delaying discussion on plans to boost the treasury’s revenue to cover the expenses of the salaries boost. The state treasury will have more than $1.2 billion to cover as there are over 180,000 public sector employees including military personnel.

The Economic Committees, a grouping of the country's businessmen and owners of major firms recently said they would reject any decision taken by cabinet on the new wage scale, warning that the government's plan would "inflict major losses on the public and private sectors."

Comments 2
Thumb geha 08 October 2012, 10:54

wothless government...
each day cripling the economy...
and they talk about stability....
no security stability, no economic stability, no health stability, no electrilcity, syrian regime attacking each day, hizbushaitan assassination attempts, ...
in short: the worst cabinet ever.

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 08 October 2012, 16:52

all these unfair practices against professors and the workers could be something of the past if the government(s) stressed on improving the economy by creating an atmosphere of peace and stability which attract buisnesses and tourists. The reality is: as long as Huzbullah highjacks lebanon and its people and act as a puppet in the hands of iran lebanon will never find peace and people will continue suffering and hence immigrating. It's time for Lebanon to be a real country where only the army is in charge of controlling the country. Our politicians should also stop stealing and prospering at the expense of the public.