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Interior Minister to Propose New Electoral Law if Previous Suggestion is Rejected

Interior Minister Marwan Charbel revealed that he had devised a new parliamentary electoral law should the one he had proposed be rejected, reported As Safir newspaper on Tuesday.

He told the daily that the new proposal caters to officials who are demanding the adoption of proportional representation and others who are calling for small electoral districts.

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Hizbullah Drone Could Impact Upcoming National Dialogue Session

The March 14 alliance is reviewing its participation in the upcoming national dialogue session after Hizbullah launched an Iranian-made drone that penetrated Israeli airspace October 6, An Nahar newspaper reported on Tuesday.

The heated debate over the matter prompted the opposition to reconsider its position as it considered that Hizbullah is “usurping” the state's decision-making power.

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Roumieh Scandal Investigations Complete as Charbel Seeks Cabinet Measures to Tackle Case

The military court wrapped up on Tuesday investigations in the Roumieh prison break carried out by three Fatah al-Islam inmates with the number of detained security guards reaching 13, reported the National News Agency.

Cabinet is set to discuss the recent Roumieh prison scandal in a session scheduled for the Grand Serail on Tuesday, reported As Safir newspaper Tuesday.

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Miqati's 'Positive' Visit to Qatar to Boost Ties with Lebanon

Prime Minister Najib Miqati held positive talks in Doha on Monday as his visit was considered a first step to lift the travel ban issued by the Gulf countries to Lebanon, local newspapers reported.

According to al-Joumhouria newspaper reported on Tuesday, competent ministers from Lebanon and Qatar will hold extraordinary meetings to resume coordination in various issues.

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Fugitive Dead in Adonis Chase, 3 People Hurt in Bourj al-Barajneh Shooting

A fugitive was killed and several others were arrested on Monday during a chase with a patrol from the Anti-Drug Bureau of the Internal Security Forces in the Zouk Mosbeh-Adonis area, state-run National News Agency reported.

“While chasing drug smugglers in the Zouk Mosbeh-Adonis area, the patrol opened fire at the fugitives' car, wounding one of them – A. Fahd – and arresting several others,” NNA said.

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Qabbani Warns of 'Plot to Undermine Lebanon', Says Hizbullah Drone an 'Excellent, Strategic' Move

Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani on Monday warned that the 2013 parliamentary elections might not happen “if the plot to undermine Lebanon succeeds.”

“Lebanon is going through a dangerous period and I believe that the changes in the region will come (to Lebanon) as a result of the plots, but God willing we are capable of foiling these plots,” Qabbani told a delegation from the Editors Syndicate.

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Phalange: Hizbullah's Drone to Drag Lebanon into War, Serves Foreign Interests

The Phalange Party criticized on Monday Hizbullah's launching of an Iranian drone that crossed into Israeli airspace on October 6, calling on the Lebanese government to take a serious stand against this incident.

In a statement released after its political bureau's weekly meeting, the party considered that Hizbullah is jeopardizing the country's stability and overthrowing the state's sovereignty to serve foreign interests.

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Geagea Slams Hizbullah over Drone, Says Only Govt. Must Respond to Israel Violations

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Monday described Hizbullah's sending of an Iranian-built drone over Israel as “a direct message from Iran to Israel and the Western countries as part of the tug of war in the region,” stressing that “taking such dangerous decisions must be the responsibility of the state, not any party, regardless of its position.”

“This is not the right way to respond to Israel, which must happen through a complete defense strategy that must be laid out by the government exclusively,” Geagea told reporters after a meeting for the LF parliamentary bloc in Maarab.

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March 14 Calls on Premier to Resign, Lashes Out at Iranian Defense Minister Statements

The March 14 alliance called on Prime Minister Najib Miqati to immediately resign over Hizbullah's drone that penetrated Israeli airspace over the weekend, considering it a “defiance of the Lebanese people's will,” al-Joumhouria newspaper reported on Monday.

Leadership sources from the opposition held Miqati responsible for any new war between Lebanon and Israel, noting that Hizbullah insists on “usurping” the state's decision-making power and keeping Lebanon under the control of Iran.

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Qatari PM Meets Miqati: Citizens May Be Allowed to Travel to Lebanon in Light of Improved Security

Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani stated on Monday that the his country is prepared to comply with any suggestion to ease the political and economic situation on Lebanon.

He said: “Qatar is studying the possibility of allowing its residents to travel to Lebanon in light of the improved security situation there.”

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