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Hamas Describes Hizbullah Drone as 'Historical Achievement'

Hamas described on Saturday Hizbullah's drone that penetrated Israeli airspace as a “great strategic accomplishment.”

“Hizbullah is carrying out a psychological political battle against Israel,” senior Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar said.

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Army Detonates Cluster Bomb in Shebaa

The army detonated on Saturday a cluster bomb left over from the 2006 Israeli aggression on Lebanon in al-Bayader area in Shebaa, the National News Agency reported.

According to the news agency, a citizen has detected the bomb in a field and informed immediately the army about it.

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Suleiman: Investigations on Roumieh Jailbreak Must Be Made, Strict Measures Must Be Taken

President Michel Suleiman expressed his deep dissatisfaction regarding the recent escape of inmates from Roumieh prison, stating that such incidents are “unacceptable,” the state-run National News Agency said Saturday.

Suleiman told Internal Security Forces chief Ashraf Rifi during a meeting to conduct investigations and take necessary measures to hunt down the escapees and hold prison officials responsible for negligence therein.

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Report: Hizbullah Most Sophisticated Antagonist Confronting Israel in Region

Israel is determined to implement the lessons it learned from the Second Lebanon War, and to define its targets more clearly, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Saturday.

The report pointed out that Hizbullah’s launch of the Iranian-made drone, which penetrated Israeli airspace last Saturday, served as a reminder of the complicated balance of deterrent power between the sides.

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Miqati Urges Lebanese Immigrants to Participate in Next Parliamentary Elections

Prime Minister Najib Miqati called on Lebanese immigrants on Saturday to register their names with related embassies to be able to participate in the 2013 parliamentary elections, assuring that the diplomatic appointments will take shape soon.

Miqati addressed the Lebanese community during a dinner banquet in DR Congo, he said: “register your names with the Lebanese embassies and missions to participate in the parliamentary elections next year,” he said on Friday evening.

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Prisons' General Chaplain: Roumieh Prison Security Cannot Invade Fatah al-Islam's Privacy

Prisons' General Chaplain Marwan Ghanem said that one storey in Roumieh prison occupied by Fatah al-Islam inmates is subject to clear privacy measures enforced by the inmates themselves which in return inhibits the security guards from invading their privacy, As Safir daily reported Saturday.

Commenting on the escape from Roumieh prison uncovered Friday, Ghanem stated in an interview to Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) that the prison overcrowding has created a major problem that requires a solution.

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Hariri Replies to Nasrallah: Lebanon is not an Unmanned Drone

Former PM Saad Hariri stressed on Saturday that “Lebanon is not an unmanned drone”, in reference to the acknowledgment of Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah that his party sent a sophisticated unmanned drone over Israel last week, the An Nahar daily said.

Hariri said: “Everyone must shoulder responsibility. They must understand that Lebanon is not an unmanned plane,” particularly under the current crucial regional circumstances, Hariri told the daily in an interview.

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Berri: All Electoral Draft Laws Will be Considered Until We Find One that Meets Approval of All Parties

Speaker Nabih Berri stressed that any electoral draft law that suggests tipping the victory of a particular political group over another would only receive rejection from the other, which compels the necessity to agree on a law that finds the approval and reassurance of all sides, the An Nahar daily said Saturday.

In an interview to the daily Berri stressed that “efforts are underway to study all proposed draft law projects until we find the appropriate one that finds approval of all parties.”

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Qabbani Says Electoral Law Mustn't be Tailored to Ensure Dominance of Any Camp

Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani on Friday called on all lawmakers to “choose an electoral law that does not allow any party to impose its control over a certain region,” pleading to God to “destroy those who are destroying the homes of the Syrians.”

“We want a law that would ensure proper representation for the Lebanese, and let the slogan of the sought electoral law be 'proper elections for a proper representation', rather than for domination and extending the influence of a certain party. This is an advice that we give to our lawmakers,” said Qabbani.

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Suleiman Calls on Syrian Army to Stop Shelling Lebanon, Says Sending Drone over Israel Demonstrates Need for Defense Strategy

President Michel Suleiman stressed on Friday the need for devising a defense strategy that meets the demands of the army and its duties to defend the country and national interests, reported the National News Agency.

He said: “Sending a drone over enemy territories demonstrates the need for a defense strategy that can organize the capabilities of the resistance in defending Lebanon.”

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