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Mustaqbal Rejects FSA Threat against Dahiyeh, Urges Probe into Death of Hizbullah Members

Al-Mustaqbal bloc condemned on Tuesday Free Syrian Army's threat to intervene militarily on Lebanese territories, especially in Beirut's southern suburb, as a retaliation to Hizbullah's alleged involvement in the Syrian war.

In its weekly meeting that was presided over by former Prime Minister MP Fouad Saniora, the bloc considered FSA's statement to be jeopardizing the neighboring countries' relations.

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Aoun Slams Christian Foes over Electoral Law Delay, Accuses Them of Harming Christians

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Tuesday complained that “no progress has been made concerning the electoral law” under which the 2013 parliamentary polls will be held, blaming his Christian rivals, the Lebanese Forces and the Phalange Party, for the delay.

“I hold responsible those who are rejecting the laws proposed by the Orthodox Gathering and the government, because they are obstructing justice, especially the LF and the Phalange Party. Their stance is a commodity for sale and they are claiming to be defending the rights of Christians,” said Aoun after the weekly meeting of the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc.

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FSA Says Arrested 13 Hizbullah Fighters: Nasrallah Not Safe from Our Strikes

The rebel Free Syrian Army on Tuesday claimed arresting 13 Hizbullah fighters in the countryside of the Syrian province of Homs, warning that it is capable of teaching Hizbullah a lesson in the heart of Dahiyeh, the party's main stronghold in Lebanon.

“Hizbullah is involved in the current clashes in Syria and its fighters are taking part in the ongoing battles,” Fahd al-Masri, head of the FSA Central Media Department, told MTV.

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Mahfoud Calls on Private Schools Teachers to Widely Join Wednesday's Protest

Head of the private school teachers association Nehme Mahfoud called on private schools teachers to widely participate in a demonstration that will be staged on Wednesday to protest the cabinet's delay in referring the new wages scale for public employees to the parliament.

“The statements issued by private schools, calling on teachers not to join the protest, are merely for business,” Nehme said in a statement on Tuesday.

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Eight Lebanese Charged with Obtaining Israeli Citizenship

Military Tribunal Judge Imad al-Zein issued on Tuesday eight arrest warrants against Lebanese people charged with collaborating with Israel, the National News Agency reported.

According to the news agency, seven women and a man were charged in absentia with collaborating with Israel, entering its territories and obtaining the citizenship.

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MP Maalouf Files Request to Debrief Cabinet over HJC

Lebanese Forces bloc MP Joseph Maalouf filed on Tuesday a request to question the cabinet over the delay in appointing the head of the Higher Judicial Council after the government failed to reply to the reasons behind the delay.

According to the National News Agency, Maalouf submitted a question before the cabinet wondering over the reasons behind the delay on May 22, but it hasn't been answered yet.

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March 8, 14 Forces Expand Consultations on Electoral Law as Geagea Meets Hariri in Jeddah

Speaker Nabih Berri is continuing his efforts to reach an agreement among various political powers on a new parliamentary electoral law, reported An Nahar daily on Tuesday, as Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea met ex-PM Saad Hariri in Jeddah on Tuesday evening.

Talks between Geagea and Hariri tackled the latest developments in Lebanon and the region, according to Future TV which is affiliated with Hariri's Mustaqbal Movement.

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Miqati Says Administrative Reforms Essential to Carry Out Appointments

Prime Minister Najib Miqati stressed that the cabinet's approach on the administrative reforms is necessary to carry out the administrative appointments.

“The administrative reforms have been implemented for the first time (in Lebanon) since 1959,” Miqati said in comments published in al-Liwaa newspaper.

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Harb: Lawsuit Has Been Filed against Syrian Officers Linked to Tueni's Assassination

Opposition MP Butros Harb revealed on Tuesday that the case of the assassination of MP Gebran Tueni may be referred to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon should the Lebanese judiciary fail to address the matter.

He added: “A lawsuit has been filed against Syrian officers linked to the lawmaker's assassination.”

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Report: Army Arrests Man Accused of Baalbek Shootout

The Army Intelligence Branch detained a man who allegedly committed a murder over the weekend in Baalbek, reports said on Tuesday.

Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) reported that Ziad al-Qoueiq was arrested overnight Monday.

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