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Army Arrests Last Member of Gang Suspected of Robbing Banks

The army intelligence branch detained the last member of a gang accused of being involved in a spree of armed bank robberies in Beirut and Mont Lebanon, the National News Agency reported on Wednesday.

According to a communique issued by the army Hussein Hijazi was detained in his hideout in the South.

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Army Rejects 'Insults' after HRW Says Troops Acted 'Like a Mob' in Migrant Workers Raid

The Army Command on Wednesday said it rejects any insults against the military institution “under the excuse of the rights of migrant workers,” after Human Rights Watch said troops acted “like a gang” during a raid on a Beirut residence inhabited by migrant workers.

HRW said Wednesday that Lebanon should probe and punish army and intelligence officials behind alleged beatings of Egyptian, Sudanese and Syrian migrant workers during the raid.

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March 14: Revelations in Tueni's Assassination Should Not Be Treated as Another WikiLeaks Report

The March 14 General Secretariat hoped on Wednesday that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon would handle the 2005 assassination of MP Gebran Tueni in hope that it would reach the truth behind his murder.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “Such a case and others like it should not be treated nonchalantly like another WikiLeaks report.”

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MEA Employee Disciplined Over Remark

An official said Tuesday that an employee of Lebanon's national airline MEA was fired after a passenger complained in a social media campaign that the worker humiliated travelers from the Philippines at the Beirut airport and told them over the loudspeaker, "Filipino people, stop talking."

The incident is part of what human rights groups say is widespread discrimination and abuse of foreign workers in Lebanon. More than 200,000 women from Asia and Africa work as maids in the country of 4 million people, said Nadim Houry, a researcher in Lebanon for the New York-based group Human Rights Watch.

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SCC Warns of 'Paralyzing' Lebanon if Cabinet Failed to Meet Promises

The Syndicate Coordination Committee warned on Wednesday of “paralyzing” the country if the cabinet failed to refer the new wages scale draft law to the parliament during a session expected to be held at the Baabda Palace.

“After 13 months of promises, the cabinet decided to discuss the sources of funding the new salaries scale and the country's financial balance,” head of the private school teachers association Nehme Mahfoud told gatherers near the Grand Serail.

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Report: Suleiman, Berri Reach Understanding over Electoral Draft Law

President Michel Suleiman and Speaker Nabih Berri agreed to adopt a draft law that combines the proportional representation and winner-takes-all systems as a settlement to the sharp differences among Lebanese political foes over the matter, al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Sources close to the two officials told the newspaper that they voiced their support to a draft law proposed by the Burtos Committee in 2005 which was headed by former Foreign Minister Fouad Butros.

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Marten Youssef Says Tueni Case May Fall within STL Jurisdiction as Berri Slams Campaign against Hizbullah

Spokesman for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Marten Youssef stated that certain conditions need to be met in order for the assassination of MP Gebran Tueni to be added to the cases tackled by the tribunal, reported An Nahar daily on Wednesday.

He told the daily that the date of the assassination falls within the timeframe of the crimes that may be addressed by the STL.

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Charbel Applauds Suleiman's Performance, Says No Decision Yet to Run for Presidency

Interior Minister Marwan Charbel hailed on Wednesday the performance of President Michel Suleiman, without confirming or denying if he will run for presidency after the tenure of Suleiman ends in 2014.

“We have a president called Michel Suleiman and he will remain in his post until the last moment, I really admire his performance,” Charbel said in comments published in As Safir newspaper.

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Hariri Holds 'Positive' Talks with Geagea in Jeddah

The meeting held between ex-Prime Minister Saad Hariri and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea was described as “serious” and “positive,” sources close to the officials told An Nahar newspaper on Wednesday.

Geagea, who is currently in Saudi Arabia to meet senior officials, discussed on Tuesday with Hariri the latest developments in the region, in particular, the impact of the turmoil in Syria on Lebanon and the 2013 parliamentary elections.

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400 Syrians Flee Qusayr Bloodshed for Lebanon

Up to 400 Syrians from around the rebel-held central town of Qusayr have fled for neighboring Lebanon in the past 24 hours, a Lebanese security official said on Tuesday.

"Among them are men, women and children," the official told Agence France Presse on condition of anonymity.

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